Usury, in this case loans that carry up to 200% interest rates, have been banned in new York for years. Now all of a sudden Bronx assemblyman Heastie backs loan shark loans. Assemblyman Heastie, a
Why can’t things just be explained in black and white terms when the topic is simply that,black and white? Seems the national Credit Union Administration just can not work that way, even if it is
There is now a new place for a person to spend their tax return, and it is a shame it even has to exist. Short term loan consolidation at tax time is a new trend,
The state of Maryland payday loan laws are simple and to the point. Maryland is one of three states, Georgia and Massachusetts are the other two that have made payday loans illegal. Here is where
The Massachusetts laws for payday loans make the payday loan companies follow the state’s small loan or criminal usury laws. These laws drop the ability for the lenders to collect the high interest rates and
Here is comes, banking at Wal-Mart! Sounds kind of funny, but it is anything but. Many big-box stores are adding financial services to their inventory, and of course there are many grey areas that come
If you have found yourself in trouble with too much payday loan debt, be it a defaulted loan or multiple defaulted loans, you need to get information on how to consolidate payday loans into one
While this statement may please many who have been bitten or had a loved one bitten by the payday loan companies, Philadelphia did not ban these loans, the payday loan companies did. They have decided
Not a day goes by that I do not get asked why our government allows what I call high interest consumer loan games. I always respond that the results of how these payday loan companies